Challenge, creativity and change - a new school year

As we prepare to return to school after the summer break and the builders are completing the final touches on our refurbished library, I'm starting to wonder how our new spaces are going to be used. There was much excited aniticipation as we set out on the journey, now it's time to test those ideas and see what works as we envisaged.
This video Challenge, Creativity and Change: Jerry Lee at TEDxStLawrenceCollege struck a chord with me in providing support for reflection as we return to our school libraries for a new school year. It raises challenges that can guide our thinking and help set an agenda for dynamic action this year.
- SALY - Same As Last Year - is this your plan for 2013?
- What traditions that have outlived their purpose will you challenge this year? Challenging tradition leads us to the world of change. All of us have different traditions, identify your own, discuss them with your library team, challenge their purpose
- Why are you doing what you do every day? Why? Why? Why?
- Everybody wants change but nobody wants to change. We can see what others should do differently but it's always more difficult to see how we ourselves should change
- Quote from the movie Shoreshank Redemption: Get busy living or get busy dying!
As so many teacher librarians and library staff worry about their role and the future that administrators may have planed for them, I urge you to reflect, identify and act.
As a library team (of one or 20):
- Analyse your plans for this school year
- Discuss them and toss around possibilities
- Take your big ideas to the principal and curriculum leaders
- Put a value on everything you do. Prune for new life
- Act decisively and .......... Don't settle for the frog - aim for the princess even if she scares you!
I'll say again what we hear so often today - 'It's and exciting time to be working in school libraries' - Exciting not Easy!