Student ICT leadership - Tapping into the Talent

Presented at the ELH Conference, Lorne, Victoria, August 2013, this presentation shared the journey of the iSupport Team at Mazenod College since its inception in May 2012.
The premise of the iSupport Team builds on that fact that students are the largest group of users of technology within any school, representing a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm, yet their voice is largely unheard in relation to ICT planning and deployment. Formation of the iSupport Team in 2012 has given Mazenod College students a voice. It has brought like-minded students together under the umbrella of a shared passion for technology and a willingness to act as mentors and guides to others. The Team provides a network of students across the school identified as ‘ICT experts’. Students who can assist teachers in the classroom or on a one-to-one basis; support new staff and students; provide feedback to the IT Department, inform college families about safe use at home and coordinate the introduction of gaming experiences such as Minecraft within the college.
Inspired by the successful GenYES program and its president Sylvia Martinez, the iSupport Team is a service model of leadership whose members support the growth of digital literacy skills and confidence in the use of technology by all members of the school community.
Lead by the Year 12 iSupport prefect and senior students, the Team meets fortnightly, and between meetings keeps in touch via social media. Tapping into this talent at Mazenod College has been an empowering experience for all involved. Students have gained an authentic role representing, not only their own peers but all members of the college community. As they discuss, translate and transfer knowledge and ideas about the technology in their daily lives its more than an information process, it’s empowerment.