Continuing the journey
Friday, July 20, 2012 at 8:53PM
Camilla Elliott

In his essay Should everybody write? The destabilizing technologies of communication Prof Dennis Baron of University of Illinois provides a comprehensive overview of the history of the craft of writing since the time of Socrates and his prized student, Plato.  This essay made interesting reading as I considered this transfer of my blog Edubeacon to this new location.  

Authoring a blog is simultaneously a personal and a public experience.  I commenced my blogging career in January 2004 on the very simple Blogger platform.  Over the years, the technology has evolved into more integrated options, however, my reasons for blogging remain unchanged.

Basically, blogging provides me with a place to reflect and expand on ideas; a place to capture ideas from the variety of sources that constitute my Personal Learning Network; ideas that I'd like to retain with the opportunity to dip back into at a later time.  Therefore, whilst a private writing experience, it is also a public opportunity to share ideas and opinions more broadly.

Building a Personal Learning Network is a rewarding professional activity that brings one into a rich community of learners not limited by proximity or the need to have met in person.  It’s a journey on which we build knowledge, collegiality and understanding with a variety of companions.  Blogging on Edubeacon has been part of my meandering journey for the past 8 years.  By transferring onto my Linking for Learning site we are commencing a new phase of the journey.  

Article originally appeared on Linking for Learning (
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